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Bombouaka Gr

Bombouaka Gr


Age Interval: 
early Tonian

Volta Basin - N

Type Locality and Naming

This group have large exposures of sandstones around Kwahu Massifs, Kintampo Masifs, Gambaga-Nakpanduri Massifs in the southeast, central, and northeastern parts of the Volta Basin respectively, which are contiguous with the succession in Togo referred to as the ‘Dapango-Bombouaka Group’ by Affaton et al. (1980). This group is subdivided into the upward succession of the Tossiegou Fm, Poubogou Fm and Panabako Fm.

Synonym: Dapango-Bombouaka Gr (Affaton et al., 1980), Lower Voltaian (Annan-Yorke, 1971; Blay, 1983).

References: Affaton et al., 1980; Drouet, 1986; Affaton, 1990; Viljoen et al., 2008; Ayite et al., 2008; Jordan et al., 2009; Abu, 2018; Edmonds, 1956; Anani et al. 2017; Coueffe et al., 2011

[Fig. 1. Geological map of the Volta Basin and surroundings, after Sougy (1970) and Affaton et al. (1980).]

[Fig. 2. Schematic lithostratigraphic sections showing principal lithologies and inferred correlations between Kwahu and Bombouaka group units across the Volta Basin.]

[Fig. 3. Synthetic lithologic section of the Volta Basin sedimentary infilling]

[Table 1. Published stratigraphic data available for Voltaian deposits]

[Table 2. Proposed lithostratigraphic scheme (left-hand column) compared with previous nomenclature.]

Lithology and Thickness

Panabako Fm: This unit mainly consists of quartz-arenites, which are the probable lateral equivalents of sandstones in the Mpraeso Fm, Abetifi Fm and Obocha Fm of the Kwahu Group. It overlies the Poubogou Fm with defined clastic sediments of Aeolian environment largely with quartzitic and feldspathic sandstones. The formation has paleosol features of pseudokarren structures marking its contact with the overlying Kodjari Fm of the Oti-Pendjari Gr. Remote imagery suggest that the 150-200m thickness of the unit includes two sandstone sequences, the upper of which forms eroded “sugarloaf” cappings above the lower sandstone. This upper sandstone may have been partially eroded prior to deposition of the Oti-Pendjari Gr, since the base of the latter rests unconformably on the gentle, southwards dip-slope of the lowermost Panabako sandstone package (Jordan et al., 2009). Roadside exposures 4.6km west of Langbinsi, comprises fine to medium-grained sparsely feldspathic quartz-arenites that commonly have broad, shallow, swaley or trough-like structures, with unidirectional cross-stratification. A similar distance west of Gambaga, quartz-arenites are moderately feldspathic, with some fine- and coarse-grained, locally gritty layers in tabular cross-stratified beds that locally show isoclinal, syn-sedimentary folding. Plane laminated beds commonly intervene between the cross-stratified sets. Poorly developed herringbone crossbedding and reactivation surfaces have been described from the formation by Viljoen et al. (2008). Current directions show a similar range to the Kwahu Gr, although NW and SE sets are more common. Viljoen et al. (2008) recorded a predominance of NNE over NW and E directions in other exposures.

Poubogou Fm: consists of green-grey, micaceous mudstones and siltstones, commonly with a ‘papery’ fissility. The thin intercalations of siltstone and fine-grained sandstone are typically planar bedded, with sharp top-surfaces and undulatory, slightly channelized bases which in places show spectacular ball-and-pillow load structures (Ayite et al., 2008).It is largely defined by fluviatile and floodplain environments of shales and sandy shales. These have characteristic papery fissility with flute casts, climbing ripples and bifurcated ripple marks (Ayite et al., 2008; Abu, 2018). This formation is approximated to have a thickness of about 170m thick around Larabanga areas.

Tossiegou Fm: In the Gambaga location, Edmonds (1956) demonstrated that the lower part of the formation, which overlies Paleoproterozoic basement, consists of argillaceous strata occurrence in its francophone extension (Affaton et al. 1980), characterized by symmetric and asymmetric ripple marks in the Nakpanduri areas (Anani et al. 2017).These grade up into both feldspathic and ‘clean’ quartzitic sandstones, which are commonly ripple-marked and include coarse-grained sandstones and ‘grits’. Such descriptions, together with similarities in topographic expression, suggest that the Tossiegou Formation is the direct correlative of the Yabraso Fm (Yabraso Sandstone Fm, see that entry).

Lithology Pattern: 
Clayey sandstone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

unconformably overlies the Birimian crystalline rocks (Affaton et al., 1980)

Upper contact

Lies unconformably (with paleosol top) beneath the Kodjari Fm of the Oti-Pendjari Gr (Abu, 2018), and a contact of tectonic nature with the Afram Fm - The Afram Fault (Coueffe et al., 2011)

Regional extent

Northern to Southern Volta Basin, Togo and Benin




Acritarchs, algal mats


Early Tonian

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Shallow marine, fluviatile, and flood plain environment with Aeolian materials. At the northern and western margins of the Volta Basin, Bombouaka Group deposits are interpreted to result from sedimentation in a shallow epicontinental marine platform (Drouet, 1986; Affaton, 1990) in a stable tectonic setting.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Prof. E. O. Obiosio, Solomon Joshua Avong and Henry Nasir Suleiman (2024)- Stratigraphic Lexicon compiled from the following books:

Carney, J.N., Jordan, C.J., Thomas, C.W., 2008. Field excursion guide and notes. In: Kalsbeek, F. (Ed.), The Voltaian Basin, Ghana. Workshop and Excursion, March 10-17, 2008, Abstract Volume. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Copenhagen, pp. 107-132.

Carney, J. N., Jordan, C. J., Thomas, C. W., Condon, D. J., Kemp, S. J., Duodo, J. A. (2010): Lithostratigraphy, sedimentation and evolution of the Volta Basin in Ghana. Precambrian Research 183: 701-724

Coueffe, R., Vecolli, M. (2011): New sedimentological and biostratigraphic data in the Kwahu Group (Meso- to Neo-Proterozoic), southern margin of the Volta Basin, Ghana: Stratigraphic constraints and implications on regional lithostratigraphic correlations. Precambrian Research 189: 155- 175